We're excited to announce supporter and friend Matt Badger has joined the Willowpine Outdoors Prostaff!

Name: Matt Badger
Location: Clare, MI
Position: Willowpine Outdoors Pro-Staff (Deer, Fishing, Trapping)
Favorite Critter to Hunt: Whitetail Deer
Favorite Fish to Catch: Bass and Bluegill Fishing
What is your favorite thing about hunting and fishing?
My favorite things about hunting and
fishing are being outdoors with friends and family and doing something that we love
and enjoy. I also enjoy bringing home food from the animals and fish that I've harvested! It's always a good day hunting and fishing, even if you
don't get anything. Just being out there and enjoying what God created for us.
What was your best day in the field hunting or fishing?
My all time best day
in the field was on my first Wyoming mule deer hunt. It was just my
father and I. He spotted a muley way up on a hill, we stalked it within 150 yards, and I decided to take the shot. It wasn't the biggest mule deer out there, but
just having my dad by my side for my first one was such a great moment that I
will cherish it for a lifetime.
My Dad got me into
the sport when I was just a boy. Growing up on a farm there were always coons
to trap, fish to catch, and the elusive whitetail to chase. But it's really
more than the chase of the game that got me hooked on this lifestyle, it's the love of being out in Nature even if I'm not hunting. I live this lifestyle because I someday
want my kids to be involved in the outdoors and keep the traditions going.
Meet Matt on Facebook.
Also check out the Willowpine Outdoors & Tackle Co. Facebook page for updates from Matt and other WPOTC prostaff members!
Willowpine Outdoors & Tackle Company is excited to welcome Matt to the team! We wish him many successes in the field and on the water!
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