The Hunt Fish Journal is Willowpine Outdoors #1 recommended outdoor podcast. Dan Stapleton, Greg Barnhart, and Jerry Everhart are Ohio natives that have had a lot of success in hunting and fishing. Many of their shows focus on whitetail deer hunting in the Midwest, but they also cover many other types of hunting and fishing including my favorite walleye fishing. Each episode of the Hunt Fish Journal is informative, exciting, and packed full of great tips and tactics for novice or advanced hunters and fisherman. If you want to learn from experienced outdoorsman, then give the Hunt Fish Journal a listen.
This Weeks Featured Episode:

Hunt Fish Journal - Episode 59 - Ronnie Capps Crappie Fishing Know How!

"So sit back and grab yourself a hot steaming cup of Hemisphere Coffee Roasters Coffee and listen to Ronnie Capps reveal some great crappie fishing advice."
Click HERE for other great episodes including interviews with Grant Woods, Lee Lakowsky, Al & Ron Linder, Hank Parker, Harold Knight, and many others.
You can also find all the HFJ episodes on Itunes.
Make sure to stop by and give HFJ a like on Facebook!
Fishing is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Besides easy, fishing is also very entertaining. Although fishing is often regarded as a lazy people’s hobby, but the fact is many people like fishing. Fishing is not only measured by how many fish were obtained, but this is about the satisfaction and challenge. Fishing is one way to clear your mind after you are busy with work. If you feel exhausted and bored with your habitual action, do not doubt to get fishing so that your brain refreshed.