We're excited to announce supporter and friend Sunny Lindsey has joined the Willowpine Outdoors Prostaff!

Name: Sunny Lindsey
Location: Shelbyville, KY
Position: Willowpine Outdoors Pro-Staff (Deer, Bowfishing / Fishing, Turkey)
Organizations You Belong To: NRA
Other Prostaff Positions: U-Slide Bow Holders
Favorite Critter to Hunt: Turkey
Favorite Fish to Catch: Bowfishing and Bluegill Fishing
What is your favorite thing about hunting and fishing?
My favorite thing about hunting and fishing is the peace of the outdoors, just being outside and seeing the beautiful world we live in. I also love bringing food to the table, meeting fellow hunters, and sharing stories with each other.
What was your best day in the field hunting or fishing?
One of my most memorable days in the field was when a friend and I were bow hunting turkeys, we both killed huge Toms, and at the same time! So much adrenaline and excitement!!
Tell us about how you started in the outdoors, and why do you maintain the lifestyle...
I started in the outdoors as a child, I remember watching my grandpa and uncle harvest deer for the fall. During the summers they would catch catfish and gig frogs, and we would have the whole family over for fish fries. Amazing times those were, and I wanted to carry on those traditions to my children, who now all hunt and enjoy the outdoors also.
A friend started my love for bow hunting, and that has been my true love for years . It's challenging, and I love a good challenge! We continue to hunt every season together to this day.
Meet Sunny on Facebook.
Also check out the Willowpine Outdoors & Tackle Co. Facebook page for updates from Sunny and other WPOTC prostaff members!
Willowpine Outdoors & Tackle Company is excited to welcome Sunny to the team! We wish her many successes in the field and on the water!